Why go far away, when plenty of the best things ones tongue could dream about are so close?
The large, delightful white fish from the Danube have as many nasty bones as they have a wonderfully deep aroma. To be enjoyed whole, they are therefore more of a rare hobby for the advanced.

Minced twice and refined with crème fraîche from the farmer, a few eggs and delicate spices to make a terrine, this local delight from the great old and mighty Danube is also accessible to interested squeamish gourmets.
Flattered by a not even remotely unbuttery sauce from master saucier David Lemberger with fresh dill and frivolous plopping fruity mustard seeds cooked in apple juice.

Grounded by the mystically sweet power of beet and then ethereally lifted by tangy winter lettuce and obviously even more fresh dill.
Because, why not?
Now on the menu for two more days.
Then never.
And then again at some point.
Just the way life is.