Horrible weather, dark miserable cold creeping up, gloomy thick fog rolling down the Danube and gray grumpy people on the way to small sidewalks of the car ridden streets of Linz.
November in Steelcity as we know it.

Enough of this postindustrial gloom?
So eat this opulently aromatic blaze of color!
The finest gently smoked bacon ducks nestles against wafer-thin slices of red cabbage, marinated in our dense dark elderberry balsamic vinegar, bedded on a smoky cream of Jerusalem artichokes.

A few dedicated drops of pungent leek mayo, so that every bite slides down your hedonistic throat with just enough momentum.

Crunchy, crispy Jerusalem artichoke chips for the sound and because Jerusalem artichoke chips are simply awesome.

I don’t know if you’ll still be grumpy afterwards. But you will have been a happy person in the meantime!